This site is my attempt to find an outlet for ideas and thoughts on things regarding Christianity and the church and whatever else comes out. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Truth will set you free...

I think that knowing the truth behind the sex industry is a sure way to help curb any desire to view it or participate in it in anyway and makes the whole notion repulsive.
I've been reading Big Porn Inc by Melinda Tankard Reist and Abigail Bray, a feminist investigation into the world of pornography and big business and I found her website above.
Now I don't really enjoy reading this stuff, but that's the point. When you read the stories like the one above you realise the extent of the epidemic and it becomes more than just a "guy problem". I know that I used to think only of the negative effect porn has on men. Well, the flipside is even worse, when you read of how women are exploited, and society indoctrinated to keep women in a position of subordination, you think differently about what you see happening in our culture.
Anyway - I think the above link says it better than me.